
Tuesday, April 15, 2008

My Dress

I recently purchased a dress for an event I had to attend. I have only worn this dress on two occasions. The first event was at yet another kick-off cocktail party. (It amazes me how all these "charities" have all this money to throw around for pre event cocktail kick off parties. All in the name of publicity.) So I'm standing near a window, with barely any room behind me and the wall. Next thing I know, there is a man whispering in my ear with a gay lisp, "I really like your dressss". When I turned around, this flamboyant guy just turns, smiles, and walks away. Creepy, yet funny to me of coarse. Hell, a compliment is a compliment. Later on I find out this guy is actually a fashion designer! I found this out because we ended up representing him at RCH.

A few weeks later, I find myself at another cocktail party that I'm still really not quite sure why it was going on. Chris and I walk to another gorgeous townhouse on the UES of another client. (Still no matter how many luxorious homes and places I go, I still get floored.) We were standing against the wall in a crevass, not saying a word to anyone, like a good publicist should do, and this women in a green satin dress looks me up and down and then says, "Oh my gawd! WHOOOOOO makes your dress?!" K, time out...THIS is by far one of the funniest moments in my life. So I start laughing and I am trying not to be rude but I was so taken back by the question. I've never been asked WHO makes any of my clothes before, let alone got this reaction, nor did I know what I was going to say. So I told the truth, still giggling at what was about to come out of my mouth. "Oh thank you! XOXO." To which her response was (and im pretty sure she wasnt really listening or really confused) "Oh my gosh, I'm out the door like right now to get it!".

FIRST of all, its 8pm. Second of all, K lady, see you at the back wall of the Macy's Junior Department!

When she walked away, Chris informed me that this chic was decked out in head to toe Marc Jacobs. EVEN BETTER! Later when I was telling my friend she came up with a much better answer that I wish I could have thought of. Who makes my dress? Oh probably some little mexican.

As much as I hate this pic of me, I had to have a pic of it somehow. (On the left. And those are my coworkers.)

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