
Thursday, October 11, 2007


Not that I can even imagine what its like to be a celeb, I am starting to have more and more sympathy for them. I can't stand seeing the fact that celebs can't even walk 5ft without an escort telling them which direction to go in and have people clear the way for them. Give them some space! You got these celebs falling all over the place, crashing their cars! Its horrible. Speaking of crashing cars, I had this annoying epiphany watching a rerun of Paris getting busted for the DUI and the dude crashing her Bentley into a parked trucked in front of them. Seeing the entire scene surrounding them, I can see why that happened BUT money or not, WHY would you even want to take that on by yourself? Hire a fucking driver! Its not that difficult of a concept. Your at a club, drinking, and then have to deal with that crap? Hell no!

There was also this story I saw that kinda freaked me
Basically, the jurors dealing with the death of Princess Diana, were on a
bus and it crashed! No one was injured and the tour continued shortly
after but what a freaky coincidence.

One other little piece of completely unprofessional advice for little miss Britney Spears. PUT SOME FRICKIN UNDERWEAR ON! I don't care if you don't like to wear it, or you don't care if there are pictures of your vayjayjay all over the place. Your just setting yourself up. Someone really needs to help her. Just smack the shit out of her and get her with it again. Its so sad.

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