
Thursday, August 14, 2008

Worst Friend Award Goes To: Me

Not the first time for this to happen. I put in friends birthday party plans into a calendar, but then forget to also put in their actual birthdays. Completely forgetting that it is not possible for everyone I know celebrating a birthday for it to fall on a Saturday. Today, I did it again. I complained to Brianna the second we woke up because our landlord is a whore. (She called me at 7:15, 45 minutes before I get up, to ask me to close the windows because she drove by this morning and saw they were opened and thought it would rain today and doesnt want to replace walls because the rain will seep into them. Thanks mom.) She left without saying much. The entire day goes by and im having a conversation via IM with Brie like any other day. Rachel asked if I wanted to get drinks with her and Brie later. I declined due to plans with an old coworker. She was a bit dismissive after and around 5pm when I checked facebook, I knew why. I completely forgot it was Brie's actual birthday today. Woopsie! I cancelled plans so I could go to Mojave with them a little later. The last time I did this was with Dawn and it was the same exact situation. Rachel nonchalantly invited me to dinner after work and I passed. After a while, Rachel was like, are you just being really bitchy or did you forget it was her birthday? Sorry guys. I am a terrible friend. My bad.

Happy birthday Brie!!!

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